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Privacy Policy

Driving Innovation with AI Software Solutions


This webpage is operated by Microplus and it is for commercial and informative purposes. when accessing or using this web site, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of use and privacy.


MICROPLUS reserves the right to request a registration from the visitor to the webpage. in all or parts of it. Even if previously it had been free of access and has the right, at any point and without expression of cause, to deny the user the access to restricted areas by password. particularly if the user: a) gives incorrect data at the moment of registration. b) does not comply with terms and conditions of use and privacy. c) does not comply with any normative applicable to the access and use of the website.


This website may include links to other websites operated by other companies; these connections are provided for your comfort as an aditional avenue of access for the information contained on them. We have not reviewed all the information inside the other sites, nor are we responsible  for their content or the products, or services which they may be offering. The third party websites may contain information that Microplus may agree with or not. please consider that the terms and conditions of use from other websites may be substantially different from our Terms and Conditions.


We are not responsible if the information available on this website is not precise, complete, or updated. The material on this website is provided merely for general information and it should not be used as the only base for decision making without consulting primary information sources more precise, complete, or updated. Any trust given in the material of this website will be at your own risk. This website may contain historical information. Said historical information may not necessarily be updated and is provided only as a reference. We reserve the right to modify the content of this website without previous notification. You agree that it is your responsibility to monitor alterations or modifications on this webpage.


This website (including its contents) is property of Microplus and it is protected by international laws of copyrights and brands. except when expresly indicated. it is not allowed to print, copy, or download images or written content. therefore you agree that you will not modify, sell, transmit, or distribute any content exhibited on this webpage, in any manner or media, including downloading of the material, or make this material available online.  


This website may include or present logos or other commercial brands and of service, that are proprietary to third parties. all those commercial brands are property of their respective owners and you agree not to use or show those in any way, without the previous approval by writing from the owner.


MICROPLUS reserves the rights to forbid or block access and/or use to the website to any user or visitor, whenever the terms or conditions established in this page are not respected. 

The kinds of personal data this site may gather includes names and last names of people, phone numbers, and e-mails (not sensitive data). The holder of this site will not gather any private data from yourself unless you voluntarily provide or in a way allow the applicable normative under personal data protection. As a consequence, whomever provides data accepts that it is giving the information absolutely voluntarily and that the information is real.

MICROPLUS does not requests any kind of financial or bank information. Any message requesting such information does not come from the holder of this website.

The registration of personal data implies the agreement form the visitor to give the information and be part of the database of Microplus. Those who wish to have access to their personal data and/or eliminate it from the database, should request it explicitly and identify apropietly. 

if you use the characteristics of communication of this website information other than personal identification data, including suggestions about the website, ideas about products, publicity. or any other information related to it, said information become our property for free and it may be used, reproduced, modified, and divulged by us.


MICROPLUS has its headquarters in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. you accept irrevocably the jurisdiction of the tribunals of the City of Monterrey in relation to any action for the execution of these terms and conditions. 

We understand that it may be possible to obtain access to this website from any part of the world and that we do not have the practical capacity to prevent such access. This website was projected to fulfill the laws of Estados Unidos Mexicanos. if any material form this website, or your use of this website were the opposite to the laws of the place where you access it, then this website is not meant for you and we ask you not to use it. You are responsible to be informed about the laws and in your jurisdiction and the fulfillment of them.


We reserve the right, to our exclusive and complete criterion, to alter these terms and conditions at any time. displaying them on the website on new terms and conditions. It is a personal responsibility to verify periodically any alteration we may make about it. Your continual use of this website after the presentation of terms and conditions will mean you accept the modifications introduced. 

Thank you for visiting our website.

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